1859  (1870)  Instead of pack-saddles, we were now provided with horse sleds . . . of the simplest nature, nothing more than three thin elastic boards, turned up in front with a strong curve, and firmly fastened together, so as to form a platform about ten feet long, by one and a half wide. A single horse works each of them in shafts, and draws a considerable load without difficulty.
1929  After the last of these trains had departed a brigade of sixty horse-sleds and thirty dog-trains was sent to the Beaver Hills to haul in three hundred buffalo cows previously killed and staged out of the reach of predatory animals.
1956  Men have crossed the Montreal Portage in dog sleighs and horse sleighs, in motor trucks and Caterpillar tractors, but only once in history has man crossed it in a pair of patent-leather shoes.